» n e w s «
May 18, 2024: Added special releases section (because of Fedivision 2024)
Feb 02, 2024: Same content, different order. Cuz' priorities change, you know.
Mar 17, 2023: Some updates, regarding my social network availability (no more TWITTER!). Btw: There are still monthly airings of Radio Irrtum! at Alex Berlin/FM 91 Mhz.
Sep 25, 2022: Radio Irrtum! is now being broadcasted at Alex Berlin on UKW 91.0 in Berlin. YAY! \o/

Elektrische Lasagne. Most. Minimal. Version. Ever.

This is where die nicht maskierte irrtum! ("die nmi!") and all his personas (Disco Cancelator, die nicht maskierte film!, Herr Irrtum!, Ernst Thälmann Skinhead Mormonen and others) live.

Radio Irrtum! — the unpopular visual radio show (now on Alex Berlin)
Find all the Playlists here!
Special Releases
For basic access to insane auditable and even audible madness go to... ... and your braincells will be reordered.

The legendary year 2021 - release of the latest die nmi! album "don't listen to that!"

It took die nicht maskierte irrtum! only 19 years to finish it. And multiple genereations of different sound trackers on different operating systems and hardware. And now - *BAM* - it's here:
Please don't forget. This is a "Creatice Commons" licensed album. Specifically CC-BY-NC. Which means you can use it, as long as you don't charge money for it (without having my definitve consent) and provide the authors name well visible alongside (that would be "die nicht maskierte irrtum!" - spell it right!). Thank you.

Also. Warning. Social Networks will alter your mind. If you don't mind, then look here... And eventually: Downloads of old rotten stuff: